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By Rio Barney

As a child, I trampled the Earth as if I ruled.

I swam in rivers, creeks, springs, and pools.

I climbed to the highest branch of the strongest tree.

Nothing was there to stop me.

As a child, I looked with wonder at the skies above.

I felt nothing around me but love.


As a man, I marched with armies through the mud.

Where I went, the rivers filled with blood.

I left towns black and charred.

The stench of death and ash my calling card.

I strung up honorable men to the highest tree.

There was nothing there, they were hanging free.

Bloody and cold, I laid upon the ground.

I thought by Death I would never be found.

I looked at the sky above.

I wondered what had ever become of the feeling, that feeling of love.

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