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By Bethany Jade McDonnell

I placed all my worries in a glass jar,

with hope that you would be gentle.

I tied it with a little ribbon on the top,

with hope it would be pretty enough for you.

I screwed on the lid extra tight,       

with hope you would care enough to try to open it.


After the first time you smashed it,

I gave to you another glass jar of my worries.

Though this second time I didn’t screw that lid on tight,

with hope that you had enough care to try again.

Yet still after the second time you smashed it,

I was stupid enough to give you a third jar of my worries.


Though this time I didn’t tie it off with a little ribbon,

with hope you would see the real and raw issues.

Yet again the jar ended up in a million pieces.

You were never gentle,

It was never pretty enough for you,

And you never cared enough.


That poor glass jar…

Are we still talking about glass jars?


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