By Charly Glass
I heard that grief is just love
And now I know that to be true
For my grief knows no bounds or limits
Ever since the day I lost you
It sits with me each morning
And lays with me before I go to sleep
It whispers in my ear when I try and distract myself
It's echoes running raw and deep
It catches me off guard when I'm out with friends
Impersonating laughter, smiles and small talk
It nestles into my takeaway coffee cup
Whilst I force myself out for a walk
It's constant in its nature
Always lurking, always there
But that's how my love for you also worked
Except that felt much better I swear
But if grief is really just love
I'll carry it with me always
I'll brush it through my hair each morning
And bathe in it at the end of each day
If grief is really just love
I'll never let it leave
I'll pull up a chair for it at the table
Inhale it through the air that I breathe
Yes grief is really just love
It's just love with a different name
When you were alive, my love for you was infinite
And so in death, I will love you the same