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By Nick Edwards

Nervously, I wander by you, 

Fix my hair and sideways eye you, 

Talk to me about your failings, 

Eric from behind the railings. 

Butterflies float up within me, 

Take me Henry, Anne Boleyn me, 

Seeing you confined away stings, 

Eric from behind the railings. 

How can I survive without you? 

When I’m home, I read about you, 

Twelve offences, seven jailings, 

Eric from behind the railings. 

I find bad boys so addicting, 

Let me be your latest victim, 

Tell me how you like my wailings, 

Eric from behind the railings. 

Trembling, I can’t help but 

Be jealous of the fortunate 

Recipients of your impalings, 

Eric from behind the railings. 

Time ‘til your release date narrows, 

Twenty years will fly like arrows, 

Closer to me every day brings 

Eric from behind the railings. 

Give me notice of your ardour, 

Silence makes my heart grow harder, 

Don’t you ever get my mailings, 

Eric from behind the railings? 

Don’t you get my letters, Eric? 

Sorry if I sound hysteric, 

Sometimes I get mad and say things, 

Eric from behind the railings. 

If you don’t come out to get me, 

You’ll be sorry that you met me, 

Just know that if you upset me, 

I’ll be sure you won’t forget me. 

I’ve just made a life commitment, 

See you on the gym equipment, 

You’ll become one of my playthings, 

When I come inside your railings. 

© Copyright Dark Poets Club

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