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By Rebecca Eanes

A dreadfully dark night, it was,

the night it came to pass.

A wicked chill held to the air,

a storm was coming fast.


Clouds wholly consumed the sky.

No moon was seen, nor stars.

Thunder echoed deep and low

from somewhere, not so far.


Alone he wandered in the night,

heart heavy with despair.

The tragedies he had endured

had become too much to bear.


His black coat whipping in the wind

revealed the gun he wore.

He planned to take his life that night

to feel the pain no more.


As the metal touched his hand,

his sorrow turned to fright.

When he raised it to his brow

a form came into sight.


From the darkness she emerged,

her strength and beauty great.

She took the gun from his hand

and offered a new fate.


With her ruby lips she spoke,

her words so sweet to hear.

She offered him an easy death,

then wiped his trickling tear.


Desperately wanting to escape

damnation by his hand,

he agreed for her to take his life.

It seemed the better plan.


Fingers running through his hair,

she gently turned his head.

Licking her lips with desire,

been too long since she’d fed.


Her eyes glowing brilliant green,

locks blowing in the breeze,

her fangs pierced his tender neck

and sank in deep with ease.


His blood coursing in her veins,

her body filled with heat.

She drank his last drop of life

and left him in the street.


They found him there the next day,

his body cold and pale,

lowered him into the dirt,

and so should end this tale.


Be he awakened with a start

there in his coffin deep.

The lady had betrayed him.

His death had been but sleep.


He rose up from his mortal grave

with a great and fervent thirst.

He vowed to seek revenge on her

who’d delivered him this curse.


His strength was low, he had to feed.

He sought out his first kill.

She struggled only briefly, then

he drank ‘til she lay still.


He wiped the crimson from his mouth

and dropped her; it was done.

Rising up, he screamed aloud!

He loathed what he’d become.


Ruby lips curled in a smile;

she watches with delight.

This is how it came to pass

that dreadfully dark night.

© Copyright Dark Poets Club

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