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By Glen Wilson

I swear I saw her, more detailed than shadow,

as if tangible yet out of reach,


a flash of ankle fleeting by gnarled roots, trellis posts

and individual stakes,


as if her steps waltzed amongst the windfall apples,

pressing none yet leaving a clear desire path.


Her song flits in with birdcall, descants twitter

and disappear after the hearing. I called out


once and heard my voice for the first time,

keening for all its worth, answer and echo.


I only call you by the name I’ve given you,

maybe that’s why you haven’t answered?


But why else are you here

and why do I search for you?


For I’ve given chase to a gasp many times,

spent and bent over as sunset trickles over the orchard.


And I tell myself it was a dream, a reverie,

a tired trick of the mind,


and I keep doing that for it is lodged

like a seed always promising fruit.

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