By ThoRgErdT

A bell, a book, a candle
A spirit, a soul, a sigh
The anguish I long handle
Glowing black in my eyes
A dagger, an altar, a shadow
I draw the circle whole
Wavering like a willow
The remnants of my soul
My blood, my pain, my sorrow in vain
The five points of the old star
My bonds in twain, unlocking the chain
My skin retains this new scar
Of night which ever binds
This is the witching hour
Invoking all the four winds
I call them to my power
I close the circle upon me
Summon with all my might
Empower my soul running free
With the demons of the night
Drawn by my blood, drawn with my bones
The five keys of the old spell
My bonds are gone, unlocking the stones
To open the gates of a new hell