By Kerry Gallagher

Your words carve a Chelsea smile
Into my retorts
Blood spills like water falls
Before my eyes
Find that truth lies deep behind
The words, adjectives
Used to describe
How I’ve become toxic to you
Acid tongue tastes teardrops
That crash down your cheeks
Sweeping the streets of pigmented skin
Marbled paving
Stone cold heart
The blusher you always wear
Is wearing pretty thin
You’re a fucked up piece of art
As you tell me
That you can’t begin to tell me
How much my inquiring
Has left you feeling incomplete
What a waste
Your tragic beauty
Crystallises victimisation
Glistening in the wake of realisation
Acceptance cradles my grief
As you turn away coyly
I will always be seeking
Answers for your actions
Only one of us has been cheating.
You know it wasn’t me.