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By Anna Gill

The power I inherit is that of charisma

that potent and hypnotic melisma


You showed me how this could be harnessed

peering through grubby fingers I was astonished

when you stole from someone who handed it over

I saw that this was a fearsome power


What did it take to switch on your genes

was it my constant striving to please

that in so doing I turned on the charm

with a flattery weaponized against your harm


But little sister, shyness is a tool I’ll leave all to you

I’m working with something that glitters and fools

and will anyone believe if you sound the alarm

when clutching your pearls you’re still hung on my arm


secretly hoping that by association

you’ll learn the trick of sweet manipulation

It’s something you either have or you don’t

a code gifted in a chromosome

The moths come and circle my brilliance

I dispense a wink to feed their limerence

They unconsciously want the intangible

even though it’s dangerously corruptible


coming close to me, glowing and fizzing

not realizing that their wings are singeing

so that they can’t fly as high as I do

but enough so I can help them when I deign to


I’m careful to use my gift as a garnish

so that my reputation won’t tarnish

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