1 min


By Danielle Rabulan

On this cold day desperate

For air, I open a window and

The rain gushes through

The gap. My hands lose their

Grip and a stream flows in.

Soon I am left drowning in

This megalithic ocean. The

Weight of this grief fastens

Upon the fibres of my cotton

Shirt and wraps itself around

My tie: A noose that only

Strangles my happiness and

Suffocates my joy and so

I wrap my arms around my

Body and tightened what

I thought was a reliable

Knot. The arms that once

Silenced bellows of distress,

The arms that once held this

Beautiful thing we humbly call

Life in the form of eight precious

Pounds now a weird nothing.

Frayed and broken letting the

Waves of this ocean coerce

My every movement. And so I

Hug my legs tighter hoping to

Float ashore; float to safety.

I see a boat.
